Jared Frank: From Film Sets to Interior Design

Conversation with Jared Frank, a Los Angeles-based interior designer who reinvented his career after he went to film school. He now lives in his dream home and is designing spaces featured in Vogue, ELLE Decor, and others. With him, we delve into his path in becoming an interior designer, his unique storytelling approach and why you should always be your first client.

Interior Design|


1 Apr 2024

Sometimes it is the unexpected detours that help you arrive at your professional calling. For Jared Frank, it was the effort and dedication he invested into set design that opened the doors to the world of interior architecture.

From Film Sets to Interior

Jared, can you share how your journey in interior design began? "Well, it started with my work on film sets. I was fresh out of school, designing sets for music videos and commercials. It was actually from one of these music video shoots that someone appreciated how I transformed his home for the scene and asked if I would consider decorating his space professionally. That was the beginning, and since then, I've transitioned from mere decoration to what I now consider interior architecture."

Creating Stories Through Space

It seems like storytelling is central to your design philosophy. How do you incorporate this into your projects? "Every project is like a new story to me. I don't believe in imposing a set style or aesthetic; instead, I let the project's unique demands and the client's story guide the design. It's not about what I like or dislike; it's about how best to tell the story of the space. For me, interior design is more than decoration—it's about crafting a narrative and making sure each element contributes to the overall tale."

The Dream Project That Never Was

You mentioned a passion project related to a bathing spa. Could you tell us more about that?

"Yes, I was incredibly excited about designing a clothing-optional community space for women in East Los Angeles. It was supposed to be a holistic retreat combining various forms of bodywork. What thrilled me most were the design possibilities around the spa and pool areas. Although it never came to fruition, I still dream about creating a transcendent space like that, where people connect deeply with themselves and each other."

Navigating Originality and Inspiration

How do you balance between coming up with original designs and taking inspiration from others?

"I actually tend to do this funny thing in my creative process which is almost like working backwards. I start each project from scratch with fresh ideas that are coming out of the ether, coming out of my own brain. However, as the design progresses, I seek out inspirational images to help articulate my vision to the client. This often leads me to recognize the influences behind my concepts. While I never start by directly copying, understanding these influences helps me carve out a more distinct and original path for the project, ensuring it's a genuine reflection of a new narrative."

Advice for Aspiring Interior Designers

What's the most crucial skill for upcoming interior designers? "Learn to draw. Whether it’s through CAD programs like SketchUp or traditional pen and paper, being able to express spatial ideas effectively is key. Build a model out of cardboard or any other material to truly understand your dimensions. Remember, we’re creating lived-in spaces, not just scenes for photographs. The ability to design in 3D and understand the real use of space is fundamental."

Your first client should always be yourself. Make a beautiful world, and maybe others will let you make one for them.

Be Your First Client

Finding clients can be tough. Any advice for those starting out? "It's challenging, no doubt. So, the main key is to know that you have to communicate your ideas to people. You can communicate it with a drawing or a mood board. Find ways to convince people that you can create a great space, particularly if you haven't created a great space already. And the last thing I'll say about that is that you don't need a client to create your first amazing interior. It can be your home. This is what I still do. I show people my home and give them a tour. Explaining what I'm doing here was the key to building trust. Your first client should always be yourself. Make a beautiful world, and maybe others will let you make one for them.

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